Sunday, December 24, 2006

Green grow the rushes, O

I can’t get this song out of my head:"I'll sing you one, OGreen grow the rushes, OWhat is your one, O?One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so!I'll sing you a two, OGreen grow the rushes, OWhat is your two, O?Two, two, the lilly white boys, clothed all in green, ho ho One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so!"Steed is accompanying me to a house party at the estate of a famous book...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Oh My Stars . . . .

I cannot get over the list of birthdays for December 18:Keith RichardsBrad PittSteven SpielbergKatie Holmes Christina Aguileraas well as Ramsey Clark, Gillian Armstrong (I just saw Mrs. Soffel again),and Leonard Maltin.Yes, and many, many other people, I know. But there is quite a confluence of something going on for that one birth d...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Waaay Behind the TIMEs

Is it even news any more who the TIME person of the year is? Can you name last year's cover? (I couldn’t—it is a strange mix of an Irish rock star inserted between a very wealthy couple. Very odd.) I have never been a TIME or Newsweek reader, but the Person of the Year cover used to make some interesting noise in the ritual of the year’s closing.This year, “TIME Person of the Year: You” feels like...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Does Your Mother Know You're Out, Rufus Wainwright?

I went to the Met the other evening to see Rigoletto (thank you fabulous neighbors). I had never seen that opera, but on the walk over to Lincoln Center I remembered the classic Odd Couple episode when Richard Fredericks guest stars as a friend of Oscar’s. He has agreed to star in a little opera that Felix is producing, when he gets hurt during a softball game with Oscar. “You broke my Rigoletto,”...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Q.Q.F. File: New Orleans King Cake

This week Q.Q.F. is ordering a King Cake from the famous Haydel's Bakery in New Orleans. It is a sumptuous, festive, traditional King Cake, with purple, green, and yellow fondant icing, Mardi Gras beads and doubloons, “the baby in the cake,” and a porcelain trinket. It will brighten any holiday dessert table, and it is a way to help the recovering NO economy. They ship overnight almost anywhe...

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Artful Moments

Steed is just back from London (very hush hush) in time to accompany me to the opening of the Whitney’s group show at Altria, “Burgeoning Geometries: Constructed Abstractions.” We are not of the New York art world, although I have dabbled in sculpture and oils. But we are happy to exercise our fine...

Monday, December 4, 2006

Travels with Cadfael: Images Regained

(continued from TWC:The Camera, below.)Roman cab rides, unlike their London counterparts, are one of the great cheap thrills still around. Cad and I were back at Santa Sabine in a flash. Running back to the cloister, I really thought I would see my camera sitting in the far corner of that ageless enclosure. But no. It wasn’t there. My disposable camera was gone. There was a caretaker of sorts lurking...

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Q.Q.F. File

That would be “Quite, Quite, Fantastic,” of course. This week's entry is the live blogging party for Studio 60 over at Lance Mannion. The regular commenters (scroll way to down to see) took some issue with the guest blogger’s lack of knowledge about the show. But the layered bon mots—-minute by minute, if you refresh your browser often enough—-add a layer of actual witticism that is missing from...