Monday, May 26, 2008

Back to the Fifties: Curtains & Indiana Jones and that Crystal Skull

In celebration of this Memorial Day weekend, I attended two defining American art forms: the Broadway musical and the Hollywood blockbuster.I saw Curtains on Broadway and Indiana Jones & the Crystal Skull 12 hours apart. Even for a professional, it was pop culture overload, as each is a mad frenzy...

The Saddest Holiday on the Calendar

Memorial Day. A national pause to honor the legion who have died in service to this country.Ray Charles tells it like it is.O beautiful for heroes provedIn liberating strife.Who more than self their country lovedAnd mercy more than life!America! America!May God thy gold refineTill all success be noblenessAnd every gain divine!...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Natured and Nurtured

I traded in the concrete canyons of my city this week for the mountains of western North Carolina. As part of a family birthday celebration, I attended a wildflower workshop in the Southern Appalachians, held at one of North Carolina’s grand old rustic resorts, High Hampton Inn, (described by one blogger...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Solitaire, Anyone?

There’s a scene at the end of the classic Emma Peel episode “The Joker” where Steed is playing Solitaire, and Mrs. Peel starts “helping.”Mrs. Peel: “Red eight on black nine”Steed: “I’ve seen it”“Then why didn’t you do it”“I was saving it for later, I was savoring it. Solitaire, as the game implies,...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Words Are Six to One

She-who-must-be-obeyed, aka Blue Girl in a Red State, tagged me for a One-Word meme. It’s a fun exercise to encapsulate yourself like this in answer to specific prompts.It reminded me of a New Yorker Talk of the Town piece I read back in February that has stayed with me. SMITH magazine ran a “write...