Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thanks, for the Dialogue: 30 Rock Leaves the Stage

30 Rock leaves the TV landscape tonight, after seven seasons of 22 weekly minutes of madcap, frivolous gaiety. It was bubbly entertainment at the end of the pedestrian workday. It had a touch of the Hope/Crosby Road movie effervescence, where slightly drawn characters are given huge resonance by...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Great Scots: Happy Birthday Rabbie Burns

Don't forget,  January 25, is Rabbie Burns’s birthday—St. Andrew's Societies all over the world will be celebrating in spades. Steed and I had a Scottish adventure once—it was a great excuse to see him in a kilt. I don't know a lot about Robert Burns, but I will ever be grateful to William Strunk,...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Les Miserables: What Tom Hooper's Victor Hugo Offers Us

The Man stands in a fertile valley with his legs steadfastly planted on the ground. He takes his shoes and socks off and digs his toes into the cool, rich, soil. He surveys his world: his house is sturdy, his crops are good and his family is fed.  He feels a worm ooze across his bare foot and...

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Clocking More Hours: Midnight Strikes

"Naturally everyone wants to see midnight."  So said Zadie Smith in her NYRB review of Christian Marclay's video installation, The Clock, way back in 2010 when it appeared at galleries in London and New York before going more mainstream at the Lincoln Center Festival this past summer, and now...