Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Seth MacFarlane: What a Boob. Iran Would Have Him Photoshopped.

Good luck to historians 200 years from now trying to make sense of the society and customs of early 21st century from the artifact of the Oscar broadcast. In a mere 3 and 1/2 hours, the cultural mirror that is both the TV Oscars show and the films themselves reflected back a very confusing tableau. Seth...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

I Can Name That Best Picture in 2 Frames!

A beautiful compilation of the history of Best Picture Winners from Nelson Carvajal, via Andrew Sullivan by way of David Haglund. Seeing Clark Gable fly by in It Happened One Night,  Mutiny on the Bounty, and (in spirit) in Gone with the Wind reminded me of the strong girlhood crush I had on him. Which is connected to one of the earliest instances of understanding that the world doesn't...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

From Venus With Love, Poetry

 Valentine’s Day summons up memories for me of  the time Steed and I spent with the BVS (British Venusian Society) a while back. It also calls to mind some of the great poetry of the ages. I always thought Matthew Arnold had the best all round take on love in that exquisite last stanza...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Monopoly: A Tale of Yesterday & Today

The Referendum by 14-year old M.A. Peel The scene: 1976. My character, Ellen Ashley, is a representative of a town in New Jersey, attending an information session about the referendum proposal  for gambling to be brought to Atlantic City. She checks in at the front desk to the completely booked...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rooting for New Orleans: And Oil Paintings of the City from David Barton

I'm really not following football this season. But having the Super Bowl in New Orleans is a good reason to shine the light on my extremely talented painter friend, David Barton. A specialty of his is architectural oil paintings. He captures building details as though he was taking a photograph,...