Monday, May 27, 2013

Weiner: Missing Classic Ad Doubleness & the power of "Retsyn"

The Mad Men recap factory is enjoying the doubleness Weiner wrote into the Mad Men episode "The Better Half."  But for a guy whose show is about advertising, he missed the chance to evoke his themes using the products and classic ads he grew up with, and that his characters would know very well. Certs:...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Jay Gatsby & James Tiberius Kirk: Together Again

The kick-off to summer brings us face to face with two of the last century's big mythologies. "Gatsby, Gatsby, Gatsby" Al Pacino's distinctive 1990 comic book Al Caprice voice popped into my head from the moment I saw the trailers.  Perhaps not the association Baz Luhrman was going for,...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

An Inspiring Visual Revelation: To the Sounds of T. Tertius Noble

Sunday, May 19. Does anyone remember the weather? I'll remind you. In Manhattan, it was grey, grey, grey, and rainy ALL DAY. Sometimes the rain was heavy. When it wasn't raining seriously, it was constantly drizzling. And grey. The greyness enveloped everything. You could almost taste it. In the midst...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dorothy & Phyllis: Detective Queens, Amateur Theologians, & Moms

Update 11/27/14: Baroness James has now joined Dorothy Sayers and Agatha Christie in the great beyond. She died today in her home in Oxford at 94. There are three great English writers of detective fiction: Dorothy L. Sayers; Agatha Christie; P.D.James. Sayers died in 1957 at the age of 64 and...

A Literary Six Pack for Mom

Courtesy of the New York Times and SMITH online magazine, the Six-Word Memoirs phenomenon meets Mother’s Day. I first ran into the Six-Word Memoirs in Lizzie Widdicombe’s New Yorker write-up in 2008. SMITH had run a contest: Your life in six words. Why six words? Lizzie believes the precedent was...