Sunday, September 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Agatha Christie: Come, Tell Me How You Live[d]

". . . as Victoria Station is left behind, exultation springs up once more. We have begun the lovely, exciting journey to Syria." That is a sentence written by Agatha Christie Mallowan in 1942 or so about a journey to an archaeological dig she took with her second husband, Max Mallowan, in 1933....

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

A possible clue to the Burn Notice ending: Who the hell has Michael Westen been lecturing to all this time?

When last we left Michael Westen in the Burn Notice penultimate episode "Sea Change," he had "chosen" his new cult family---Daddy James & creepy Sonya---over his own life with the friends we love. The big question of course is, how does this all end? I think that a huge clue lies in the idea...

Monday, September 2, 2013

#FinalBurn: Burn Notice Fans Get Ready for the Ending Blaze

Burn Notice  made its debut during the first summer of Mad Men (AMC), with .006 percent of its buzz but an audience many times its size. Gina Bellafante, Jan. 2009, The New York Times Interesting observation. We all know that buzz is much more important than audience size. Otherwise SNL could...