Friday, October 31, 2014

Pops with Our Better Ghosts and Goblins: Happy Halloween

This Louis Armstrong number from the 1936 Bing Crosby movie Pennies from Heaven is a great, great Halloween treat. Louis and the skeletons swing it hot. The Skeleton in the Closet, (Johnny Burke/Arthur Johnston) There's an old deserted mansion On an old forgotten road Where the better ghosts and goblins Always hang out. One night they threw a party In a manner a la mode And they cordially...

Dracula-Go-Bragh: The Celtic Story That Will Not Die

 From ghoulies and ghosties And long-leggedy beasties And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!  An Old Scottish Prayer. Happy All Hallow's Eve. And by Hallow we mean a Saint, because tomorrow is All Saint's Day. Halloween as a feast is derived from the ancient Celtic...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Love is the jewel that wins the world": Inspiration for a birthday, for every day

Today, October 21,  is my birthday.  There is one card that has arrived without fail for the last twenty-two years that will not arrive today. It was from my friend Barbara, who died in August, 2014. I offer some of her story today because it is so extraordinary and so inspirational. It...