Friday, February 23, 2007

Oscar Weekend at newcritics

What better place to spent your Oscar weekend than over at newcritics, the brainchild of Tom Watson. He and Blue Girl are hosting a bonanza of bloggers (is that our collective noun?) starting at noon on Saturday, leading up to BG live blogging the show. Yours truly will be on deck from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday with some thoughts on Peter O'Toole, who is likely to enter history as having the...

Monday, February 19, 2007

Oh, Matt and Harriet . . .

I’ve held on through the entire season of Studio 60. It’s been a pretty steady diet of disappointment, a weekly witness to the failure of the very talented Aaron Sorkin to find compelling expression or engaging storytelling in his world of late night comedy. Joining Lance Mannion's Monday Night Live Blogging Party has added a funny, insightful dimension to the experience, for which I am deeply grateful...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Miami Vice and the 3:00 a.m. Soul

"In the real dark night of the soul, it is always 3 o'clock in the morning, day after day," wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald in his 1936 book The Crack-Up. It’s a poignant, sad, personal expression of his own mental state, when, at 39, Fitzgerald comes to realize that somewhere along the line he has cracked inside. He nods to St. John of the Cross, the originator of "dark night of the soul," by inserting...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Swine, all of them

What do these people have in common?Fred Astaire, Maria Callas, Ronald Reagan, Woody Allen, Tupac Shakur, Snoop Doog, David Letterman, Morrissey, Kevin Spacey, Jerry Lee Lewis, Humphrey Bogart, Elton John, Alfred Hitchock, Hemingway, Alain Connes, Sasha Cohen, Thomas Jefferson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.Their Asian zodiac is Pig, and their year begins Sunday, February 18. It will be the year 4705, reminding...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Carly Simon and Thomas Tallis: O Jerusalem

I went to a shindig the other evening at the Waldorf in honor of a captain of industry, who thankfully had a great sense of humor about what is sometimes a deadly formal affair. Adam Sandler, one of the presenters, had a very funny bit about some letters to a certain male magazine that had just surfaced . . . .But the highlight of the evening for me was when Carly Simon performed at the behest of...

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Q.Q.F. File: American Crossword Tournament, Online!

Steed asked me for help with 9 down in the Times crossword: "It moves in the dark, it leaves no mark, it's as hard as steel"That's an easy one . . . Q.Q.F. is discovering that the American Crossword Tournament, in its thirtieth year this March, has an online playing component. Imagine—-you can be in the comfort of your home and compete with the whacky/geeky crew we met in Patrick Creadon’s documentary...