Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Welcome Wagon

In honor of the American—Brit spirit of this blog, I’m adding Tom Watson, a Labour MP for West Bromwich East and now Cabinet Minister for Transformational Government, and the author Christopher Campbell-Howes to the Neighbors. I met Tom in RL through the amazing Venn diagram of blog circles. He has...

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Cost of Living (as Don Grolnick Understood It)

If I ever start to feel jaded or a little weary with blogging, I now have a moment in time to turn my thoughts to for some instant renewal. That moment is when I first watched the video memorial that Matt Zoller Seitz created in tribute to his wife, Jennifer Dawson, on the second anniversary of her shocking death at 36.A husband’s memory of his wife is one of the most personal experiences there is....

Friday, April 25, 2008

That's Not Funny

So the universe keeps telling me. I entered 2 comedy-type things this week, and didn't even make it to the semifinals in either.Ken Levine ran a Komedy Konest, asking everyone to finish this line:"Danny had such a fear of commitment that he __________."The winner, voted by the community from 5 finalists,...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Pope on Our Shores

As a child of Vatican II, I have very little personal feelings about the pope, for the pope. I did not notice them at all until John Paul II. Part of that is coming from a somewhat anticlerical Irish tradition. Not anticlerical like Unitarians, but in a demythologizing way. The Irish respect the office...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April's Showers of Tears

April is the cruelest month, breedingLilacs out of the dead land, mixingMemory and desire, stirringDull roots with spring rain Somehow I have always known these lines. They are timeless to me, part of the DNA of my internal narrative. I sometimes forget they have a human author and open The Waste Land....

Saturday, April 12, 2008

George Knows, Some Things You Just Can't Control

Does anyone come across well in a New Yorker profile? What’s the allure? Why does anyone subject themselves to being so encapsulated? Does The New Yorker still exert such a literary spell on the imagination that to be recognized in its pages is desirable, no matter what the actual outcome? Ian Parker...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Brad Braden: ALL Man

“All About Eve is about adults, a diminishing breed in an America of perpetual, panicky adolescence.”James Wolcott’s recent sentence about Bette Davis’s crowning flick popped into my head when I heard of Charlton Heston’s passing.Heston was the most grown-up, adult man of my cinematic youth. He didn’t...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Point of It All

riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth, Castle and Environs. Acupuncture is something that always interested me because the idea of endless Qi—-flow, energy—-makes sense to me. I believe in the soul, but I...