Thursday, September 23, 2010

Crosby's Unexpected Gift to Baseball Fans

It’s a surprise to see Bing Crosby, pop culture’s most important forgotten man, on the homepage of the New York Times online, but there he was on Thursday night, a beautiful black & white picture from 1947.The subject: baseball. A complete video of Game 7 from the 1960 World Series between the...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The English, and History with a Capital “H”

The picture of the octogenarian Queen receiving the octogenarian Pope in Scotland as a head of state is History, with that capital “H.” The Queen, the defender of the faith that came down through Henry VIII and built an Empire, with the successor to St. Peter. Political and religious enemies for centuries,...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Reader Appreciation Post

Whenever I need a quick laugh I read through the New Yorker cartoons collected in the New Yorker cartoon bank. This one really made me laugh.And it reminded me to say ‘thank you’ to you who stop by here and read my posts.You have many other options for your reading (and flying) pleasure, and I appreciate...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 9 Years Out

The remains of the South Tower, taken by photographer Joel Meyerowitz.No politics, just impressions.A post by my film blog spouse Mr. Peel about Die Hard 3 reminded me of part of my ongoing reaction to the attacks. If I’m watching a film or tv show where I expect to see the Trade Center-—like Working...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

And the Summer MELTs Away Beautifully

I don’t follow the dance world, but I was happy to connect with it last night because Marcy Schlissel who owns and runs the pilates studio I go to, Body in Motion, was performing in Noemie Lafrance’s site-specific dance installation, MELT. To describe the piece reads like a Salvador Dali painting:...

Friday, September 3, 2010

You Can’t Hurry Love . . . It’s a Game of Give and Take

“New Yorkers Want Islamic Center Moved, Poll Finds” One of the undercurrents of this summer has been the drone over the proposed “ground zero mosque.” Every word about this has been parsed and argued about: mosque vs. cultural center that has a praying room; what constitutes near—across the street?...