I’ve visited the 3DQ before, but I’m not a regular reader, so I didn’t know that they started a series of prizes for web writing in 2009, in the categories of Science, Philosophy, Politics, and Arts & Literature.

Vote Here!
That’s where I could use your help. Go here if you would like to vote for me to go on to the finals round.
It would be nice to win something, but it’s equally nice to see a bunch of good blog writing brought together for any reason.
Back to those Quarks

"When Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig postulated the existence of three new subatomic particles in 1964, Gell-Mann decided to name them "quarks", an unusual word meaning "croak" or "caw" which James Joyce had used in Finnegans Wake: "Three quarks for Muster Mark!" In present-day physics, there are more than three quarks, and some are said to have properties named strangeness and charm, which, we think, describe this weblog as well."
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