Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day 2011: The American Widow Project

"Since 2001, nearly 6,000 U.S. service members have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Around half of these service members were married, leaving an estimated 3,000 military widows across our country. The American Widow Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to the new generation of those...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mo and The Queen's Visit

I'm not a fan of Maureen Dowd, and I am unmoved by the idea of Obama's visit to Ireland. But Dowd's writing about Queen Elizabeth's visit is poetic and insightful and a joy to read: it's very Irish. Quoted in its entirety here:"Queen Elizabeth, who ensorcelled the former colony on a four-day visit last...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mother/Daughter Birthdays & End of Days

I first saw little pamphlets in Penn Station months ago with the headline May 21. 2011 JUDGMENT DAY. This caught my attention because May 21 is my mom’s birthday. The pamphlet made no sense whatsoever. I thought there would be some clear text about why judgment day was this May 21, but instead it...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cead Mile Failte, QEII

I think the Queen’s visit to the Republic of Ireland for a 4-day state visit beginning May 17 is just brilliant. She welcomed the pope last year.—-from her role as head of the Church of England—and now she attends to the most symbolic gesture possible from her role as figurehead of the state of that...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous": Einstein

All this she told with some confusion and Dismay, the usual consequence of dreams of the unpleasant kind, with none at hand To expound their vain and visionary gleams. I've known some odd ones which seemed really planned Prophetically, or that which one deems A "strange coincidence," to use a phrase...

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 1, 2011: A Date That Will Live in Our Hearts

HBO and AMC got some free market research in the outpouring of community stories about how/when they heard the momentous announcement of President Obama that U.S. Special Forces had taken out Bin Laden. Seems everyone was either watching Treme (lots of the posters over at Sepinwalls) or The Killing...