Thursday, April 29, 2010

Monster Throwdown: Vampires, Werewolves, and Louisa May Alcott

In the beginning was Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Quirk Books editor Jason Rekulak said that the title popped into his head one day and he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He brought the idea to Seth Graham-Smith, and what was going to be a novelty print run became a NY Times best seller that...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mr. Monk and the Hilarious Hooey

I saw the revival of Ken Ludwig’s Lend Me a Tenor this weekend with Mater. The New York Times didn’t like it either in 1989 (Frank Rich) nor today (Charles Isherwood). I’m not usually a fan of farce (high or low) or slapstick, or endless double entendres or playing broad. But this show is a delight....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Plasticless NYC

Before we leave Earth Day 2010, let me introduce you to the blog Plasticless NYC by a very talented classical signer named Juli (whom I have had the pleasure to sing with), who posts about her commitment to using little or no plastic and to reducing packaging and waste of all kinds. It’s a great place...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy 40th, Earth Day!

The idea of Earth Day is more cogent to me this year because of my trip to China. I’m still mulling all the experiences, but one thing was very clear: the overwhelming pollution in Chongqing. A greyness hangs in the air, all the time. You wake up and it’s grey and it stays that way—you have no idea...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Own “Left Turn”: Steven Moffat and the 11th Doctor

I am a big fan of David Tennant’s 10th Doctor, and was not ready for a new one. In a turn of events worthy of the fourth season episode “Left Turn,” the universe played a trick on me. I accepted a freelance gig to go to China, and then it was set that Steven Moffat, Matt Smith, and Karen Gillan would...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Re-entry to Manhattan

My trip to Mainland China was the veritable whirlwind of experiences: exotic, exhausting, and very uplifting. It will take some time to write about.Thanks to Blue Girl and the Scribbler, re-entry to my own beloved city was at Elaine’s as our group of blogroll friends gathered since BG was in town. ...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter, then On the Road to China

After the suffering of Good Friday comes the glory of Easter Sunday (unless you’re Martin Scoresese, who likes to stay back at Good Friday).And then Easter Monday, which is a holiday in much of Europe, will see me on The Road to China with my BFF, whom you know as Eloise. We are going to Chongqing...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

O Sacred Head, So Very Wounded

Holy Week has always been about suffering. But this year the mystical body of the Church itself is suffering as we watch the institutional church slowly implode. My grandmother was of the generation who said that when you sin, you drive the crown of thorns deeper into Jesus’ head on the cross. It would...