Tuesday, September 18, 2007

QQF: Fresh Mint

A nosegay of fresh mint in the fridge is a magical mood lightener. I cannot smell its deeply aromatic leaves without smiling, no matter what has befallen me throughout the day enroute to the evening’s escapade in the kitchen. I find the scent of mint wildly heady—-it is a burst of freshness and hope and LIVING, all within a simple waft of its greenness.

Mint is so beautifully flexible and unfussy to work with. A pair of scissors is all it takes to snip, snip, snip it into salads—-float it in ginger ale for a superb beverage experience—-use it in tacos instead of lettuce, as it positively sings to the accompanying margarita--add it to store-bought tabbouleh for extra snap—-make an elegant omelette with it--all in addition to the de rigueur Mojitos and herbal tea.

What remarkable leaves they are.


Anonymous said...

Mint, eh! Forgot about that.

I have become enlightned in my greenery tastes by our House Bunny. This rabbit is very pickey about his vittles (the carrot must be broken, not cut). He also demands Romane lettuce and - a local favorate - watercress.

Might try some mint on my morning oatmeal.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I totally understand being in love with an herb like that.

I am head over heels in love with sweet basil. One of my favorite things in life.

MA, mint is *really* easy to grow. You should get a pot and plant some on your roof. And believe me, when I say easy -- it is. Cuz I kill everything I try to grow! But, mint is a hardy herb.

Mapeel said...

dorki, your breakfast suggestion sounds pretty good.

BG--that's a great idea. I do have windowsills that are being under-used.